Equicanigattus ist das von 2.000 Briten ermittelte perfekte Haustier: das Fell wie ein Golden Retriever (49 % - canis = Hund), dazu lange Ohren wie ein Hase (7 %), ein zierliches Gesicht wie ein Kätzchen (35 % – cattus, auch gattus [spätlateinisch ab ca. 350 n. Chr.] = Katze) und ein langer Pferdeschwanz (9 % – equus = Pferd).
Scientists said the image of the bizarre creature - with the ears of a rabbit, face of a cat, body of a golden retriever and tail of a horse - depicts the country's ideal animal companion. Researchers have named the creature the Equicanigattus (from the Latin roots equus, for horse; canis, for dog; and gattus, for cat) - and this furry pet is called Max. The computer-generated picture was created after a survey of 2,000 British pet lovers revealed the nation's perfect animal was 49 per cent dog, 35 per cent cat, nine per cent horse and seven per cent rabbit.?
Ludwig Bruckmaier 12/09/2024 20:14
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