Oh no don't you put me in that box
you know what you can do with those locks
bet your life I'll come crawling out again
you'll have to deal with me then
you'll hear me in the wind.
I been on the other side of the Blue Ridge
seen the Shenandoah rolling there
I stepped off the mountain's edge
just to climb the golden stair
I seen the streets up there
I been on the mount transfiguration
been there with my ma and my pa
on the mountain of commandment
I been handed down the law
you should have seen what I saw.
I fell to the bottom of Thales' well
caught like a thief with a lamb
you know those stars they can cast a spell
I been caught with red hands.
I scaled the mountains, skiied the valleys
I've done the highs and the lows
I don't feel like work today
hell, I won't go.
Bess, I won't go.
Just let me at their locks
we should all be free
oh Bess, I swear I'll call
when I'm free from me
we should all be free.
-Houdini Blues-
Jenny Theobald 21/02/2004 20:16
schöne perspektive und tonung.. gefällt mir gut!Jenny :)
ALtEr EGo 09/02/2004 21:58
erblicke das jetzt erst!ist ein super bild!
die votings kennt man ja *g*
lg ben
Mya L 07/02/2004 13:44
Dank an Anna für den Vorschlag.Wem das Bild gefällt, der möge sich daran erfreuen.
Blende EinsAcht 07/02/2004 1:47
hmpf....Rainer Titan 06/02/2004 23:10
doch....ich freue mich über meinen guten geschmack!danke mimi
Traude B. 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
... like a stoffwindel in the wind ... oder so *gg*wirklich mal was anderes. mir gefällts ;-)))
sortie | de | camions 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
dieses Photo ist aber wiRklich sOwas von klasse!!!willi08 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
contra† Carina Meyer-Broicher 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
proStefan E. F. 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
Find ich geil. Pro. LG S.Stefan Siemers 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
PRO!!Schimaere Zyklothyme 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
+Manfredo Carlos Primero 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
PRO.Uwe Semmann 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote
pronimmerda 06/02/2004 18:39 Commentaire de vote