Nighttime is Falling photo et image | emotions, panama canal cruise, special Images fotocommunity
Nighttime is Falling photo et image de Adele D. Oliver ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
…and the clouds are preparing a great show of strange shapes and fairy-tale creatures for people to take down with them to their bunk and weave into their dreams… ; )) great shot again, adele! looking forward to costa rica! hugs, sabine.
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Ana Iglesias 14/07/2011 23:44
Muy buena+++me encanta la edicion.Un saludo
Pierre LAVILLE 13/07/2011 17:53
Superbe photo+++++++
Amitiés Pierrez
José Ramón Miguel 13/07/2011 11:25
Un gran perfilado del horizonte en la panorámica y ese cielo bien potente.Un abrazo. Ramón
Majid mehraban 13/07/2011 10:47
++Alfred Schultz 12/07/2011 16:51
Almost a volcano eruption picture.Thank God, only almost.
Gruesse - A.
s. sabine krause 12/07/2011 13:44
…and the clouds are preparing a great show of strange shapes and fairy-tale creatures for people to take down with them to their bunk and weave into their dreams… ; )) great shot again, adele! looking forward to costa rica! hugs, sabine.Manfred Jochum 12/07/2011 12:09
Dramatic sky, beautiful picture.Werner R. Albert 12/07/2011 11:12
Great atmospherehugs
ARTURO MEDINA 12/07/2011 10:50
Preciosa foto y muy bonita luzUn saludo
JURAFR 12/07/2011 9:16
Spectaculaire , !!!! j' adore cette ambiance un peu lourde , bravoAmitiés
Ruth Hutsteiner 12/07/2011 8:52
The evening says goodbye with a miraculous sky.hugs
TeresaM 12/07/2011 8:41
Le soir descend doucement crééant une atmosphère unique que tu as parfaitement capturée.Belle vision poétique, Adèle.
Jörg-Bierwirth 12/07/2011 8:35
Durch den Hell-Dunkel-Kontrast wirkt das Bild bedrohlich. Die Nacht legt sich wie ein dunkler Schleier über das Land. Sehr gelungen.Gruß Jörg
Christian Rocher 12/07/2011 7:21
Magnifique je suis admiratifbise
gemblue 12/07/2011 2:42
the mood of this presentation is perfect and very mysterious. greetings~g