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Keith Kalb

Free Account, new york

Commentaire 3

  • Ed Kay 26/06/2007 7:25

    but being a former #7 rider it would have been nice to see the old red bird . great shot. next time your there go to the corner of 38 th ave and main and have a hotdog off matt the hotdog man's cart (the only hotdog cart I will eat from because he cleans that cart from top to bottom every day) and tell him the bald man sent you
  • Jo Gallagher 02/01/2007 3:57

    Someone at the end of the carriage at the door, or perhaps holding onto the last pole, help give the eye and interesting focal point, still great image, great colours!

  • Claire L. 26/09/2006 8:29

    The perspective and the colours are very good; in my opinion a model would just distract from it.
    Regards, Claire