Obscured Vision....
.....found this image in among some pictures we took when Sue and Harold was here, but not sure what happened for sure, I think I was set up with the tripod and remote release and bumblebee didn't know I was shooting and put her hand in front of the camera to point at something, I worked on it for a while and came up with this and thought it was cool.....
Thanks for all the clicks and comments......
Adele D. Oliver 06/01/2015 21:25
this is cool - an unintedet image enhanced withyour inspired editing makes this view down the
bridge look mysterious, especially with these
copper tones !!!
cheers, Adele
Gerlinde Weninger 06/01/2015 21:07
Looks like a peephole! ;-)Ein Servus von Gerlinde
archiek 06/01/2015 15:07
I like how the road and watertower are both visible. Gives the eye two focus points. Very creative!-Regards,
Lila 06/01/2015 14:51
mal was anderes !!!L.G. Lila
Mauro Tomassetti 06/01/2015 9:56
Excellent and original vision and great photo!Regards Mauro
Harold Thompson 06/01/2015 9:38
Weird effects effective result think i remember this bridge too:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 06/01/2015 9:28
OMG... the aliens have landed.A rather spooky picture that does indeed work well.
Wolfgang Weninger 06/01/2015 9:18
it is cool ... looks a little bit like you've made it from a hidden and secret point ...Servus, Wolfgang