Old firedpatment
Earlier times, the firefighters were located in the heart of the city.
Today's weather is a crane and other large vehicles can not fit in a nice building.
Old firedpatment
Earlier times, the firefighters were located in the heart of the city.
Today's weather is a crane and other large vehicles can not fit in a nice building.
Ingeborg Bröll 22/09/2011 10:49
a nice shot..with a beautiful building...and wonderful colors... the weather is well...good work, Sandor. Kind regards -Inga -viola d 09/09/2011 7:30
A very nice building indeed. Well kept too. Bw, ViolaIzabella Vegh 08/09/2011 21:57
Ez egy nagyon szep varosfoto. Gratulalok. (Ennel sokkal nagyobban is fel tudod tenni a fotokat ezen az oldalon. Jelenleg 1000 pixel oldalankent.