Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (8)

The Gate to Chinatown (well, the part that spans the bicycle path ..... to photograph the centre one would have to stand in the middle of the street). In the far background is the Sun Tower where our newspaper The Sun was published in former times. This image faces away from Chinatown.

For a while this image is the last of the downtown series .... will show you a bit from Chinatown next.

Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (7)
Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (7)
Adele D. Oliver

Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (6)
Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (6)
Adele D. Oliver

Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (5)
Old meets New - in Downtown Vancouver (5)
Adele D. Oliver

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