Old Soul's Door photo et image | portrait, the silk trail, people Images fotocommunity
Old Soul's Door photo et image de Glenn Capers ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
A very interesting shot, one young woman sitting in another room and the elder stood, plastic bag behind her and that door between them... and what a door.....
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Miromodo 22/02/2016 19:04
Ein Portrait, das fesselt und berührt!JOKIST 30/01/2016 21:02
Eindrucksvoll -allererster Güte !
LG Ingrid und Hans
isabella bertoldo 30/01/2016 21:02
magnificent reportage..applausi and congratulationsI:B
Ken Piros 30/01/2016 16:39
And she has the key in her hand to the door of the Old Souls. The Gatekeeper.Agelos Kardamilas 30/01/2016 13:33
Goooooood!!!Sue Thompson 30/01/2016 8:58
A very interesting shot, one young woman sitting in another room and the elder stood, plastic bag behind her and that door between them... and what a door.....:))
Carlo.Pollaci 30/01/2016 7:05
Great shot, formidable reportage.Kind regards,