Once upon a time...

Bookstore Lello & Irmao, Porto

...Once upon a time we could enter the bookshop to buy a book, read the newspaper in the small coffe corner on first floor and enjoy from the thousands of books on display. The bookstore Lello & Irmao opened first in 1869 and is rated among the top bookstores in the World. Since 2015 they stared to charge entry fees, now priced 4 Euros, refunded in case you buy a book. The reason of that is the "stampede" of tourists attracted by the store interiors in Jugendstil, reported in many publications or TV, mostly because J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter author, lived in Porto for some years as she was married to a Portuguese TV journalist and taught English. It's reported the bookstore to be an inspiration for her writing. Harry Potter movies shows a very much look alike scenery of the store interiors.
When in Porto you must visit the store jointly with Cafe Majestic, according to witnesses Harry Potter birth place as she spent many hours there writing which is supposed to be the famous stories.
Will publish in this series pictures from bookstore ans well as from Cafe Majestic interiors.

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Objectif FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS
Ouverture 4
Temps de pose 1/60
Focale 16.0 mm
ISO 1600

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