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One Thousand Picures of People killed by Chinese Communist Party

One Thousand Picures of People killed by Chinese Communist Party

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One Thousand Picures of People killed by Chinese Communist Party

This is a picture I took in the beautiful town of Freiburg with my Minolta Z2. On the square in front of the townhall was an exhibition of people from Falun Gong, who once again showed how their group is badly treated in China. Recently discovered was the fact, that many prisoners are beeing used for organ harvesting. What a horrible thing. Other similar exhibitions for focusing on the human rights violation in China can be found here:

Commentaire 1

  • taradi 12/11/2010 19:42

    Sehr schöne und Aussagekräftige Dokumentarfotografie..

    *** Unschuldig zu Tode Verfolgte Falun-Gong-Praktizierende ***

    ............................. Falun Dafa hau .............................