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Oregon | lost dreams |

Oregon | lost dreams |

3 904 12

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Oregon | lost dreams |

When we visisted the Sherman County Historical Museum in Moro, Oregon, we learned a lot of interesting facts about Oregon´s history. First the pioneers from the west crossed this area heading fast into the fertile Willamette Valley. Only as they felt crowded a few years later, one or the other turned back eastbound to settle on the high and dusty plateaus to grow grain. This very day the people here are hard workers to make a living. The crop can be raised only every two years. Every other year the land lies fallow, gathering moisture for the next crop.

Sometimes it doesn´t work long enough.......

July 2013, Oregon, RAW to JPEG by Adobe Lightroom

Oregon | wide skies |
Oregon | wide skies |
Matthias Moritz

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