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... photo et image de Orçun Kaya ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
ah ... thank you ... so they sell the stuff ... :-)
kombizz is not wrong about having a bit more light in the faces althought i know that it is hard to get in such situations where the people tend to stay inside the building ...
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Francesco Margarita 19/05/2007 18:35
http://www.margarita.altervista.orgInteresting photo compliments.
Dirk Hofmann 02/04/2007 9:21
ah ... thank you ... so they sell the stuff ... :-)kombizz is not wrong about having a bit more light in the faces althought i know that it is hard to get in such situations where the people tend to stay inside the building ...
Kombizz Kashani 02/04/2007 9:00
could be better than this specially the lighting on the faces of that Turkish familyOrçun Kaya 02/04/2007 0:04
COLD ayran, rdink ( it's wrong :) tea, coffee ,toast, nescafe, picnic are available...Thank you Dirk...
Dirk Hofmann 01/04/2007 19:56
i would be very interested in knowing what the writing means ...