Pennsylvania | Amish weekend |
All the week you observe the Amish doing their field work. Plowing, planting, mowing, etc. They are all busy.
But then, suddenly, on Friday afternoon, a kind of silence descends upon the area. Its weekend! More and more black carriages are on the road, packed with the whole family, for a trip, may be visiting each other.
Or, like here, enjoying the time being together.
July 2017, Pennsylvania, Amish Country, Honey Brook
Andreas Pfanner 14/12/2021 13:44
Vollkommen unsere alte Welt und doch völlig anders. Ist es so besser? Irgendwie abschreckend weil extrem und dabei doch auch so interessant. Zumindest was ich ein wenig darüber gelesen habe. Deine Bilderserie finde ich außerordentlich sehenswert.markkeville 06/09/2017 12:00
These are very nice pictures of Amish Country. If you are interested in pictures of Amish life, Matthias, then look at the pictures of Bill Coleman. His webseit was ; and i have his book "the Gift to be Simple - Life in Amish country", markDragomir Vukovic 12/08/2017 3:01
beautiful !!!Harold Thompson 11/08/2017 12:42
Nicely composed scene giving the feeling of peace and tranquility in this mad world today:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 11/08/2017 10:39
You 'paint' a lovely picture of the Amish ay of life.......... and your accompanying scene is perfect.:))
Klaus Kieslich 10/08/2017 18:10
Scheint eine reht ruhige Gegend zu seinGruß Klaus
Maren Arndt 10/08/2017 18:01
Das ist eine andere Welt, aber sehr spannend das mal zu sehen.Wir waren damals in u.a. Lancaster / Pennsylvania
Vitória Castelo Santos 10/08/2017 17:36
Very nice pictureGreetings