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Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket

Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket

380 2

Enzo Leprai

Free Account, Arezzo

Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket

Normally it is thought that Pinocchio has learned from Jiminy Cricket and the good fairy ...
Not true, his real teacher was life.
It 'was the life that glia did break his nose to the ground and forced him to get up.

Normalmente si pensa che Pinocchio abbia imparato dal grillo parlante, dalla fatina buona...
Non è vero, la sua vera maestra è stata la vita.
E' la vita che glia ha fatto battere il naso in terra e lo ha costretto a rialzarsi.

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Dossier Fiera
Vu de 380


APN Canon EOS 700D
Objectif 120-400mm
Ouverture 5
Temps de pose 1/1250
Focale 120.0 mm
ISO 640