portret 026 / Printexposing the reverse side of paper & shaded graphite - aluminum sauce /
Rollei(1945) AgfaFilm AnalogPrint on photo paper Printexposing the reverse side of paper Manual retouching Shaded graphite - aluminum sauce
portret 026 / Printexposing the reverse side of paper & shaded graphite - aluminum sauce /
Rollei(1945) AgfaFilm AnalogPrint on photo paper Printexposing the reverse side of paper Manual retouching Shaded graphite - aluminum sauce
Greta Schnall 26/12/2013 10:06
das ist Kunst!Karl Klanke 01/08/2013 10:12
A lovely portrait.best wishes,
sandro 24/07/2013 14:31
that's all fine.!alex(ander)
Photomann Der 12/07/2013 0:02
very nice work and pictureFrau Ke 10/07/2013 11:03
her expression is beautiful, as well as the backgroundstructure.it appears more painterly than photographically.
Tania Skaradek 10/07/2013 11:01
"The Absinthe Drinker "Your image remind me this well known painting.
Amazing portrait! You have very good and charming models Ygar:-)