Animal Symbolism of the Ram
Ram Meanings and Symbolic Thoughts about the Ram
The animal symbolism of the ram speaks of: Power, Force, Drive, Energy, Virility, Protection, Fearlessness.
A look into mythology will reveal the ram was associated with many gods over time. And so, if a god amongst the people, wouldn't you agree these are all admirable qualities?
The Celtic god Cernunnos is shown with the ram. Some depictions show him seated with a ram-headed snake by his side a symbolic gesture of renewal and power.
In ancient Egypt the god Amun-Ra took on the persona of Khnum, the creator god who was always depicted with a ram's head.
In Scandinavia, Thor was close with the ram, and was fabled to use rams to pull his chariot.
Olaf Hofmann 27/09/2012 14:20
Bin fasziniert....sowohl von deinem Bild als auch von deinem Text dazu....danke dir sehr....:-)Christian Fürst 06/02/2012 1:47
schön und ein wenig mysterios in diesem LichtDieter Fürrutter 17/01/2012 20:17
Wenke, das gefällt mir sehr gut.GLG
N i e d e r b a y e r 17/01/2012 17:27
Sehr schön anzuschauen!LG KH
Wenke Fronsdal 17/01/2012 11:52
@thomas: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-symbolism-ram.htmlThomas H. L. 16/01/2012 19:50