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Railroad Scale Model 3D

Railroad Scale Model 3D

16 154 1

Railroad Scale Model 3D

3D Frame for a 3D photo (anaglyph 3D)

To see the amazing 3D effect, please go for one of these

Send in a stamped, self-adressed envelope and ask for Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses. You will love the experience!

---Anaglyphentechnik für Rot/Cyan- oder Rot/Blau-Brille ----       (Klick für I n f o)
---Anaglyphentechnik für Rot/Cyan- oder Rot/Blau-Brille ---- (Klick für I n f o)
Engelbert Mecke

Vespertine 3D [ANAGLYPH]
Vespertine 3D [ANAGLYPH]
Sasha Becher

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