3 288 2


Free Account, Auckland

Ready to swim across

During exploring a stream bed, this canyon created a challenge. Very cold water and not knowing what to expect at the other side.

Commentaire 2

  • Scubyw 25/02/2012 10:32

    Danke fur die Anmerkung, Herbert.
    Die Natur isst aber dass Thema, nicht den Mann. Es isst auch keine Aktfotografie und ich glaube dass es passt besser in die Natur Sektion. (Mein Deutsch isst nicht sehr gut). I used a timer, and it shows a little more than intended, but I didn't consider it something sexual or offensive and it is not explicit. Focus is on the wild natural beauty of that area.
  • Robert Nickel 25/02/2012 0:29

    Here we go.... welcome to fc
    Greetings, Robert


Vu de 3 288


APN FinePix AV100
Objectif ---
Ouverture 2.9
Temps de pose 1/180
Focale 5.7 mm
ISO 100

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