red cat on the blue bench photo et image | animals, cats, pets & farm animals Images fotocommunity
red cat on the blue bench photo et image de Jigora Man ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
love the combination of cool oceanic turqoise with the cat's warm and soft ginger fur! and his (?) – all ginger cats are tomcats i was told… – look is just priceless: as though he's just spotted a long-lost buddie in the distance, asking himself: "oh, my!! could it really HIM??" ; )) greetings, sabine.
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s. sabine krause 29/08/2011 9:49
love the combination of cool oceanic turqoise with the cat's warm and soft ginger fur! and his (?) – all ginger cats are tomcats i was told… – look is just priceless: as though he's just spotted a long-lost buddie in the distance, asking himself: "oh, my!! could it really HIM??" ; )) greetings, sabine.Ale De Angelis 29/08/2011 9:28
è uguale al mio!ullifotografie 29/08/2011 9:25
They always look like they are knowing everything!The colours are fine. Well done!
Best Wishes