Refuge Is Where My Tent Stands
Like Gypsies , these people are migrant workers. Opportunities are where there are event,. and agriculture harvest. This child has a nice dress to wear. At night it becomes a costume to portray A god in india. Her mother will dress her and put make up on her.
polykarpos 21/04/2013 16:36
Very strong image!!!John Mc D 19/04/2013 11:47
Really a beautiful capture, compliments!caoz185 19/04/2013 11:47
Was für eine herzergreifende Situation! Unbeschreiblich - so etwas zu sehen/zu erleben! Nur mit den eigenen Augen, kann man das Schicksal mancher erahnen! Tolle Bearbeitung in s/w. Lg ManjaJOKIST 17/04/2013 16:22
Wir finden dein Bild sehr aussagekräftig !LG Ingrid und Hans
Del-Hor 14/04/2013 11:20
Very strong my friend....Regards.
Adele D. Oliver 13/04/2013 20:37
the hard life starts early ... one wonders if the little children realize it is work - excellent your image, Glenn !!greetings, Adele
Agelos Kardamilas 13/04/2013 20:36
Powerfull!!!!!!!!!!!!BRYAN CRUTE 13/04/2013 19:14
What future does this child have in front of her ?Strong image
Lawson McCulloch 13/04/2013 15:39
A wonderful documentary shot showing life in this camp sight for these poor wishes,
Claudio Micheli 13/04/2013 10:31
Bella, davvero!Ciao
Eddy Meurs 13/04/2013 8:29
Strong.Very nice picture.Character photo to the world.Top.Gr.Eddynikon d5000 13/04/2013 2:59
Es ist einzigartig die Welt zu sehen, wie wir sie nicht kennen. Menschen zu sehen, deren Dasein sich so von unserem untescheidet.Wo Reichtum ein Holzwagen ist und nicht ein Porsche.
Beste Grüße Rolf
Dragomir Vukovic 13/04/2013 1:30
strong !