The girl is resctricted in a strict campus looking towards a farm house house where lot of her age group is having a play & fun time. A winter dried shallow hilly river is in between two places in a little lower height.
The girl is resctricted in a strict campus looking towards a farm house house where lot of her age group is having a play & fun time. A winter dried shallow hilly river is in between two places in a little lower height.
Ruud van der Lubben 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
Nice subject, however technically this is no gallery material.The hands are too much burned out, and thereby taking too much attention away from the main subject.
Alfredo Mazzoni 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
+Anca Silvia B. 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
big pro† Sabine Suess 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
PRO!Stefano Todde 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
+JoY MadiSon 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
pro ++++++++++++++++++++Adele D. Oliver 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
proadriana lissandrini 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
PROJValentina 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
+Claudio Micheli 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
+++yes!lolita cecilia 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
proCanan Oner 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
Pro..JURAFR 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
PROFranzi48 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote
+Claire L. 12/12/2010 19:48 Commentaire de vote