1 841 10

Robert van der Sanden

Free Account, Hooge Mierde


A nearby town at a late summer evening. A little empty, maybe. I hope not too dull. The picture inspires me to experiment with vague, dark, moving people in the scene. I might get back to give it another try.

Canon F1n, 28mm, tripod, 4 sec @ F4 on Portra 160NC

Robert van der Sanden

Commentaire 10

  • Karl Makkina 20/02/2006 22:20

    That is a great picture, with a very professional way to attract the attention from the bottom of your picture to the top of it. i admire your work in this picture, respect !!
    i hope to do so soon ;-))
    friendly, Karl
  • Jan Van Der Hooft 30/08/2005 22:32

    Very nice,great photo!
  • Paul Hinndes 30/08/2005 14:51

    Nice picture, i like it alot! The colors, composition, everything! :-))
    Well done!
  • Cees Kuijs 11/07/2005 10:49

    Great image, Robbert. Nice colors and a great composition. Looking forward too see for the next one with moving carlights ect..Take it on the same locotion, I prefer.
  • Robert van der Sanden 06/07/2005 10:29

    @John: thanks for your comment. I was cought by the position of the seats and the nice shadows to take this picture. The shadows are from a nearby lamppost. That also gave a nice lighting on the pavement.
    I used an exposure meter to measure off the pavement. That gave me the exposure time. I set my camera to that exposure in manual mode. I didn't bracket the shot because color negative film can accept quite some margin.
    Greetings, Robert
  • John Bennett 05/07/2005 22:09

    I think this looks very professional Robert,strange to say, I like the way it looks deserted, also the way the seats lead the eye into the picture and the shadows of the chairs on the ground all add to the interest of the picture. They cannot seem to resist chopping trees down do they?.How did you work out the 4 second exposure, an educated guess or an exposure meter.I have a job getting to grips with those things. I could'nt help but notice how clean it all is Our town centre should be trashed for the delapidated state its in.
    With kind regards.
  • John Holmes 05/07/2005 3:22

    lovely evening space. but i agree with you; go back when there is action and let flow past the camera. jh
  • Robert van der Sanden 04/07/2005 20:12

    Thanks for leaving a note!
    @Jutta: there is certainly some art in the furniture as well as the tree. The sculpture was a gift to the community because they took down a very old tree to make room for the new town hall at the right side of this square.
    @Anastasya: thank you, I will try to add some more (e)motion to this picture. It's so empty, that I'm not satisfied with it. Quite often the square is full of young people on skateboards. That should give more of a summer evening atmosphere.
    Greetings, Robert
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 04/07/2005 16:27

    greatly pictured, you did it very well.
    expecting your further tryings, very good.
  • JVision 04/07/2005 10:27

    Hi Robert,
    the way the benches are standing looks a little like modern art to me :-) I like the atmosphere of the late summer evening.