River Nesttun photo et image | my hometown, special Images fotocommunity
River Nesttun photo et image de Terje Nicolaysen ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
The silver water colour is quite amazing. The soft water flow is captured really well in this long-time exposure.
You could have zoomed more in to the silver-like small rocks in the centre or zoomed out a bit to capture more from the water fall in the foreground.
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Claudio Toscana 19/09/2008 19:51
Great use of a long exposure. Congratulations.Christian Kirbach 18/09/2008 21:49
The silver water colour is quite amazing. The soft water flow is captured really well in this long-time exposure.You could have zoomed more in to the silver-like small rocks in the centre or zoomed out a bit to capture more from the water fall in the foreground.
marcin bleszynski 16/09/2008 14:47
wonderful picture, very nice !regards marcin
Tamara Trejo 15/09/2008 16:19
Peace and beauty TTCzene Laszlo 14/09/2008 13:05
Very nice photo!Perry Blevins 14/09/2008 10:02
Beautiful with the shutter. Excellent details with great light.Regards,
Désirée Rommel Fotografie 08/09/2008 23:36
good shot! I like it very much...regards, Dési
J e n n i f e r E. 08/09/2008 19:44
I like the movement of the water!!!!++++
digilike 08/09/2008 6:55
Nice, the movement of the water. I'm curious after the exif information of this picture and the technique you used. Did you use a grey filter?Annick 05/09/2008 23:20
Wonderful, excellent workRegards
Füsun Özler 05/09/2008 20:20
good capture, excellent work!Canan Oner 05/09/2008 10:16
Wonderful view of the waterfalls Terje....Hugs,
CsomorLászló 05/09/2008 9:41
Fantastic long time shot!bw
Marina Kazakova 05/09/2008 8:07
Light small amount only underlines precipitancy of this river. Perfect!Regards, Marina
Fons van Swaal 05/09/2008 2:58
EXCELLENT.................!!!!!* * * *