Rompongs at the Maratua Atoll
On the way to Nabucco Island in the late afternoon. Fishermen live in the middle of the open sea in so-called Rompongs, small huts on the rickety bamboo racks to which fish pots are attached. In the early morning before sunrise, the pots are caught and the catch is brought to the fresh market in Maratua.
Rompongs are floating fish traps. They are situated several kilometers from the coast, mans with only one fisherman.
Hilmar Brunow 15/09/2019 16:17
Sieht nach einer ökologisch vertretbaren Lösung aus.Definitiv fairer als GPS-gesteuerte Schleppnetze.
lg hb
W. Franke 15/09/2019 16:08
Bohrinseln in Leichtbauweise. :-)Spass beiseite, ein sehr schönes Bild ist das.
LG aus SA