Sad Eyes photo et image | street & situation, mono-chrome, people Images fotocommunity
Sad Eyes photo et image de Adele D. Oliver ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
A very fine work! The portrait of the two girls is very good. The image expression and the title of the image fit perfectly.
Greetings from Germany
Sehr gelungen. Der Schnitt und die S/W-Tonung sind klasse. Die Gesichter haben Geschichten zu erzählen und genau das macht ein gutes Portrait aus.
Gruß Jörg
what a beautiful symmetrical face she has! she reminds me of an ancient statue… the "sadness of the eyes" – it's definitely a trait that runs in their family! ; ) the sibling riding piggy-back on her sister's shoulder – she has them, too! hugs, sabine. p.s.: so cute, how the light, too, has fallen in love with them! ; )
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silvanaW 30/06/2014 23:12
Compliments**¡Harald64 28/04/2014 18:27
A very fine work! The portrait of the two girls is very good. The image expression and the title of the image fit perfectly.Greetings from Germany
Gelo Charro 15/04/2014 11:15
Triste motivo, pero magnífico trabajo!!Un abrazo
Dragomir Vukovic 14/04/2014 8:48
so beautiful !Alexa frost 13/04/2014 6:26
So nice is this portrait...and the B&W is perfect...I love each of one regards..
Yes they look sad!
A Hug !
Elisa M 13/04/2014 0:48
Es cierto, tanto de uno como del otro.Puede que sea simple casualidad pero hay una tristeza y un vacío en la mirada de estos dos niños que conmueve.
Markus 4 12/04/2014 21:08
ein nachdenklich machendes BildHabedieehre
rocco di ciommo 12/04/2014 21:04
d e l i z i o s a !!!Jörg-Bierwirth 12/04/2014 21:02
Sehr gelungen. Der Schnitt und die S/W-Tonung sind klasse. Die Gesichter haben Geschichten zu erzählen und genau das macht ein gutes Portrait aus.Gruß Jörg
lolita cecilia 12/04/2014 20:11
Un retrato MARAVILLOSO...Bravo...
Un abrazo Adele
Emilio Sirletti 12/04/2014 19:51
Sad Eyes.....but very sweet.Congratulations on a beautiful series of portraits, all with a magnificent white black.
Ben ritrovata.
odeveld219 12/04/2014 18:38
A portrait with a lot of expression!!With friendly greetings, Odeveld
Andreas Wellnitz 12/04/2014 16:54
Gefällt mir in schwarz weiß,lg.Andreas!Claudio Micheli 12/04/2014 16:35
...una presentazione molto piacevole.Ciao
s. sabine krause 12/04/2014 11:13
what a beautiful symmetrical face she has! she reminds me of an ancient statue… the "sadness of the eyes" – it's definitely a trait that runs in their family! ; ) the sibling riding piggy-back on her sister's shoulder – she has them, too! hugs, sabine. p.s.: so cute, how the light, too, has fallen in love with them! ; )