Samba From A Miserable Country
(I am Héber Bensi, from Brazil! I love my country. I wrote this poem just to protest against the violence that we can see here. That is sad because Brazil is wonderful. Cheers.)
Samba From A Miserable Country
Brazil is the country of the samba
And also of the inequalities, the misery…
Children in the road, crying currencies…
And that never in the life a book will read.
But they know the samba…
They know the samba of the joy…
Of the joy of this miserable country;
Brazil, misery, disaster…
Buses burnt in the Civil War.
Brazil is the country of the samba...
And also of the shame politics,
Corruption, lost guarantees!
But the soccer still dances...
And the children will be our reply…
Because our revenge will come with
The smile of our children.
Brazil is the country of the samba
And also of the inequalities, the misery…
Children in the road, crying currencies…
And that never in the life a book will read.
But they know the samba…
They know the samba of the joy…
Of the joy of this miserable country;
Brazil, misery, disaster…
Buses burnt in the Civil War.
Katharina G. 27/06/2007 23:17
Da scheints ja echt lustig zugegangen zu sein =) - ich spür den beat schon beim blossen hinschaun! =)lg katharina
ps.: danke für die anmerkung bei meinem bild
schön das es dich zum lachen gebracht hat =)
† HW. 27/06/2007 22:31
Voll die Partystimmung :))VG Holger
Krümel M. 25/06/2007 5:42
Ach wär das schön, wenns noch Nacht wäre!Nicole Zwischen-zwei-Stühlen 24/06/2007 23:12
jo, da hat er einen schönen song geschrieben, der herbert benzin. würd ich jetzt gern noch hören. und dabei draußen in der lauen nacht stehen und johlen und 2,20€-wein trinken...