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Michael Vlavianos

Free Account, Perissa - Santorini


From the time that the Argonauts seeded her on their way, Kallisti changed a lot of names: Strogili, Kalliopi, Filotera, Tefsia, Kalavria, Ifestioni, Irigeneia, Thira… Santorini.
Only a few know about Santa Irene from Thessalonica who was exiled here on these rocks… and even fewer know about the ruins of her church that are still fighting against the ages and oblivion.
In this picture, I’m not bothered about the large not focused area of Mesa Vouno... I’m bothered about the crack on her dome, I’m bothered about letting her devastate… I’m bothered about not burning frankincense to the walls that are still holding her name.
Michael Vlavianos

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