schmetterling im eis
die für mich im eisigen schneesturm in dünnem pulli gefroren hat :)
und danke an andi und sein papa für die leihgabe der praktica
schmetterling im eis
die für mich im eisigen schneesturm in dünnem pulli gefroren hat :)
und danke an andi und sein papa für die leihgabe der praktica
Marta Kotarska 07/02/2007 23:48
cool romantik ^^:-)
Ice Dream 07/02/2007 18:10
sehr schön!und dieser Farbkontrast, fein :)
Leneke mit e 07/02/2007 17:24
schließe mich dem schönen an.max muster. 07/02/2007 17:10
schöner farbkontrast. +.Phil Leicht 07/02/2007 16:44
Within the flower's petalsIce-like white and pale
A soft silk butterfly was born
Living securely
Within the flower's petals
Ice-like white and pale
A soft silk butterfly was born
Living securely
Morning in a chrysanthemum
Evening in an anemone
And his whole life is just one day
Just one day of silk
Within the flower's petals
Ice-like white and pale
A silk butterfly was floating
As if living securely
He liked the sun so much …
Within the flower's petals
Ice-like white and pale
A silk butterfly was floating
As if living securely
Within the flower's petals
Ice-like white and pale
A silk butterfly was wriggling
Already old like Terah
He liked the sun so much
The moon was for him like a father
And his whole life is just one day
Just one day of silk
Within the flower's petals
Ice-like white and pale
A soft silk butterfly, one day of age
Flies for eternity
Butterfly's eternity
Fräulein Dunkelbunt 07/02/2007 16:43
wundervoll*Vorstadt Pomeranze 07/02/2007 16:42
Oh, ein tolles Foto. Die Farben und sowieso der Schmetterling :)