schwangerschaft photo et image | kids, people Images fotocommunity
schwangerschaft photo et image de Francois Jouanneaux ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
A woman is never more beautful than when she is with child.
I like the short lighting, but it might be just a bit low. It's casting a hard highlight low on her hair that might have been a bit better higher. Also I'd have liked to see her body turned a bit more profile to accentuate the curve of the belly... kind of that Demi Moore type pose, if you know what I mean.
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Frank Piechorowski 09/09/2004 22:11
A woman is never more beautful than when she is with child.I like the short lighting, but it might be just a bit low. It's casting a hard highlight low on her hair that might have been a bit better higher. Also I'd have liked to see her body turned a bit more profile to accentuate the curve of the belly... kind of that Demi Moore type pose, if you know what I mean.