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Ruth Hutsteiner

Premium (World), MYK

Silver Cross

Das ist mein Lieblingspub, in den ich jedes Mal einkehre, wenn ich in London bin. Da gibt es nämlich, neben den vielen verschiedenen Biersorten, auch eine reichliche Auswahl an Weinen, unter anderem deutschen Riesling. :-)


The Silver Cross is close to Trafalgar Square in London. Located in Whitehall, along with the Home Office and Foreign Office, there are popular attractions such as Horse Guards along the West of the street and soldiers on Sentry Duty. The original traditional pub, one of the oldest in the area, could only accommodate about 40 people at any one time until it had a major extension in the 1990's. It can now hold up to 500 people! Today the pub has two distinct areas. Upstairs has a more normal bar layout whilst downstairs is set with tables. The Silver Cross has been described as the best food and drink house in Whitehall and certainly many people return here on a regular basis. This is a place you can come for a sit down, three course meal or something a little smaller. Food is chosen from a main menu and specials board and there is an impressive selection of wines and real ales to complement the experience. Our clientele is very mixed with visitors, tourists and government workers all enjoying the quality here along with larger organised tour groups who come on a daily basis by prior arrangement. When you are next in London, come and treat yourself at the Silver Cross!

An diesem Foto habe ich rumgestempelt wie blöde.
Da die eine Straßenhälfte abgesperrt war wegen eines Umzugs(Bilder folgen), lief ein weißes Band quer durch. Das hat mir nicht gefallen. Ich hab zuerst so beschnitten, dass es nicht zu sehen war, aber dadurch den Leuten durch die Beine geschnitten. Und das hat mir auch nicht gefallen.
Ich verlinke beide Bilder mal.

Ruth Hutsteiner

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Ruth Hutsteiner

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