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size-A2a-2024 __WHAT'S YOUR SIZE?__

size-A2a-2024 __WHAT'S YOUR SIZE?__

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size-A2a-2024 __WHAT'S YOUR SIZE?__

Strolling the West End

Commentaire 3

  • Gianpaolo Rossi Il y a 20 minutes

    Ottima saturazione dei colori, da notte metropolitana.
  • Ansgar Leuthner Il y a 6 heures

    ...I can't tell you. It differs from label to label...and now I am thinner than ever...But the foto is beautiful, the colours in the reflections are like paintings from Gerhard Richter - very abstract....I like this...Ciao, mia cara amica! Buona domenica! Love, Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri Il y a 4 heures

      In these shops there are sizes for everyone, but if you want a garment to fit you like a glove, you should always have it adjusted to your proportions. Here in Milan there are many Chinese tailors who do good work in this area for a few euros.

      Yes, Gerhard Richter was one of the masters from whom I drew inspiration when I started doing my digiart works. I love his style and colours.
      Thank you of your condivision dear friend, buona domenica anche a te,  CIAo!