1 802 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Sleep Walkers

While shooing in the Paris Tubes I found a seat and focused on a few people.
I wanted to show that somethings have not changed, and maybe someday there will be an equality in work so that one does not fall a sleep on strain.

Another way of saying this is simply, Inequality is alive and well in Paris . A while male steps lively to work while a black woman struggles to stay awake after physical labour. Today the struggle to survive still has class issues when it comes to what is available for each race when you are not a native.

Commentaire 7

  • Yda.de.Paris 30/07/2015 12:04

    Un contraste de situation sociale excellemment perçu.
    Hommes fringants et élégamment vêtus, sortant - ou allant au - bureau, avançant sur le quai d'un pas assuré et, à l'opposé, cette femme âgée, assise dans le wagon du métro, tenant son sac serré contre elle, assoupie et visiblement exténuée.
    Amitiés. Yda
  • Ken Piros 13/09/2012 12:54

    Excellent street shot and story to illustrate the point of equality and social justice. You have seen and photographed / documented it in many places throughout your travels.
    In man’s system there will always be those that repress people so that another class can rise and excel. Unfortunately it has been that way from the beginning of time. All we can do is attempt to change situations we have control over so that it may improve the lives of those around us.
  • Enzo Leprai 13/09/2012 8:12

    Wow! Great shoot!
  • Frederick Mann 13/09/2012 7:41

    to sleep
    to dream
  • Lene Thomsen 13/09/2012 0:09

    one can always be tired :-)) what a shot :-))

  • T-Tol 12/09/2012 22:55

    interesting point of view and great shot.
    by saying "interesting" I am not cynical or what so ever. There is racism and inequality -almost in every society.
    Are you on eu tour? this pic from paris, the other one from iceland and previous one from amsterdam ......
    If you will be arond munich, let's go for a beer:-)


Dossier Things I see
Vu de 1 802


Objectif 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6
Ouverture 3.5
Temps de pose 1/60
Focale 10.0 mm
ISO 2800