smells like freedom...
An' if you wouldn't mind, I would like it blew
An' if you wouldn't mind, I would like it lose
An' if you wouldn't care, I would like to leave
An' if you wouldn't mind, I would like to breathe
Songtext: Nirvana "Blew"
curlycarol 08/12/2011 22:17
hmmm...ich liebe Lavendel...
und Nirvana...
interessante Kombi ;-)
wunderschöne Bilder, sie wirken toll zusammen
Ganz liebe Grüße
Thomas Beer 02/12/2011 9:00
It smells like honey......LG
brosi13 01/12/2011 22:52
Lavendel...das riecht nach Sommer...schön!!!Gruß Engelbert
Ina Tschernucha 01/12/2011 21:40
Schöne bea!!!!LG Ina