Sonsbeekpark - Arnhem
In my town we've got a beautiful city park. It's more than 100 years old with nice waterfall.
Technical Details:
Camera: 300D
Aperture: F/22
Exposure: 1.3''
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 18mm
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 15/02/2006 6:00
I hope that one day i can acheive a beautiful waterfall image like this, as long exposer is wonderul to get such a magical efffect.well done another stunning shot Joop
Gino Santa Maria 12/02/2006 16:27
Well done. Great tone and light balance.Vladimir Danilov 12/02/2006 6:34
I always enjoyed this effect of the long exposure. Pleasure for the eyes. Magic light.Joop Snijder 11/02/2006 23:48
Cees, yes I used a 0.9 ND filter to get this long exposure under this conditions. Thanks for your comments.Sergio Pessolano 11/02/2006 17:24
Another very refined nature image from you.Cees Kuijs 11/02/2006 10:13
Fantastic capture. Good use of the long exposure. Did you used a grey-filter ??Greetings, Cees
Denisa Zikmundová 10/02/2006 19:29
nice waterfall with beautiful lightDenisa