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A case of being in the right place at the right time with that superb light behind the lighthouse. Your chosen point of view with that wall leading us straight into the scene and to the lighthouse is perfect. You have captured the feeling that a storm is brewing....or is just passing over.
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Harold Thompson 10/06/2013 10:22
Good lead down the fencing to the lighthouse with the good back lighting and the approaching weather :-)) HaroldE. Ehsani 09/06/2013 17:49
Klasse das Foto schaut stark ausLG Esmail
krzych 09/06/2013 17:39
yes ..what you see there was massive heil storm wich hit just a few minutes later..not the best May evening -:)regards
Sue Thompson 09/06/2013 9:44
A case of being in the right place at the right time with that superb light behind the lighthouse. Your chosen point of view with that wall leading us straight into the scene and to the lighthouse is perfect. You have captured the feeling that a storm is brewing....or is just passing over.:))