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St. Petri Cathedral
in Bremen
a cathedral with 98m high double towers - built in 1043 with a wonderful organ and splendid interior ....
the visit too short for me :-((
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chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 14/07/2016 14:09
Bellissimo scatto ! CiaoEmilio Sirletti 28/06/2016 11:07
The visit was short for you, but you had the time to give us beautiful images.Nicely newfound Adele.
Hugs, Emilio
dominati simone 27/06/2016 20:56
Superbe porte , superbe tympan : une cathédrale qui doit valoir la visite .Bien montrée ici . Bravo. Amitiés . SimoneSINA 27/06/2016 14:47
Imposant ganz prachtvoll dargestellt von Dir !!!!Bravo
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 27/06/2016 10:56
Good angle of picture to show us the front facade of the cathedral and the statue - Hugs, ElviCharly Charity 27/06/2016 7:35
Ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt von alten Kirchen! Was für eine Baukunst! Wunderbar!*****liebe Grüße Dagmar
Claudio Micheli 26/06/2016 16:22
Veramente una bella immagine.Ciao!
Joëlle Millet 26/06/2016 16:19
Beaucoup de puissance dans cette très belle composition . BisesCriWa 26/06/2016 14:22
Der Eingang erinnert mich an den Kölner Dom.Der ist ähnlich mächtig und imposant !
Alfred Schultz 26/06/2016 11:35
For taking pictures only, even an agnostic person is allowedto enter an evangelical church. — But for a short time only!
Gruss - A.
cornelis .m 26/06/2016 11:00
Knight on horseback for the Cathedral well doneMark Billiau. 26/06/2016 9:19
Well composed capture of this cathedral entrance !Mark
Sillon 26/06/2016 6:22
A super frame Adele ! J2rômeManu T. 26/06/2016 0:59
beautiful entrance with incredible doors, also vry well taken.Gr.Manu
claudine capello 26/06/2016 0:53
sembra si interessante ! brava bella composizione cl