Stadtbild Wuppertal 27
This is what one would/could see, as passenger, in Wuppertal's Schwebebahn ... looking out the windows ... the Schwebebahn is an overhead train; swinging, hanging on one rail,
the fotos are taken from inside the train.. usually moving.. (up to 35kmh) above the streets, over the river Wupper and through the various stations (a route of 13km hin und 13km zurück).
max liet 27/08/2007 22:08
it could be ecuadorFrederick Mann 27/08/2007 16:48
@Kerstin G ... wow... you were right... I changed it to where it belongs... (see what happens when one works on the computer and is on the phone... tsk tsk... naughty Fredrick)
thank you Kerstin
(wipes the sweat from his brow)
Anni R. 27/08/2007 10:43
sieht sehr schön aus :-)E-Punkt 27/08/2007 8:54
Wundervoll blasse Farben.Schöne Spiegelung.
Wie du es fotografiert hast,
wirkt selbst eine Baustelle wie
diese voll harmonisch und ins Bild passend
Lg. Elfi