Manuel Gloger

Premium (Pro), Düsseldorf

Stopover at Lagg Beach

5. April 2013

Eine kurze Rast am Beach von Lagg mit Blick hinüber nach Kintyre.
Kormorane sonnen sich auf den mit Flechten überzogenen Felsen
und im Hintergrund zieht lautlos ein weißes Segelboot vorbei.
Kein Laut ist zu hören und am liebsten möchte man die Zeit still stehen lassen.

A short rest on the beach of Lagg with views across to Kintyre. Cormorants sunning themselves on the rocks covered with lichen and a white sailboat passing silently in the background. No sound can be heard and l really would like to let the time stand still.

Auf Google Earth:

Arran Boat Song:

Lagg is a very small village on Arran; Lagg is no more than a few houses, a shop, hotel and a Post office. There are various cairns here on either side of the river. You can reach one by a forest footpath near the bridge that takes you along the riverbank towards the sea.


Beach by Lagg
Beach by Lagg
Manuel Gloger

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