Strand Hotel in Yangon
An old established and renowned hotel in Rangoon, which dates back to the times of the English colonial rule. The world-famous hotel was mentioned in countless novels and films. The hotel was the destination of my honeymoon in February 1981 with my dear wife, with whom I then founded our family in Thailand.
However, prices rose exorbitantly; then $ 32, currently there is no room under $ 300 a night and it is currently closed
Benita Sittner 28/07/2020 11:07
....weckt auch für mich schöne Erinnerungen....das Strand Hotel in Yangon...ich hätte gerne einen Tee dort getrunken und somit das Innere des Hotels erkundet....das war aber leider auf unserem Trip nicht möglich....VLG BenitaWiking Dürre 28/07/2020 9:10
Sehr schön festgehalten.LG