street band photo et image | the arts, concerts, world Images fotocommunity
street band photo et image de J Oscar Sierra Echo ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
a very interesting image ... I am trying to imagine what this unusual
contraption of an instrument would sound like - expecially combined
with the brass band ....
warm regards,
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juergi-p 01/03/2018 11:52
A very strange instrument, how does it sounds? Looks von juergi
Mauro Tomassetti 23/02/2018 21:02
!!!!Adele D. Oliver 23/02/2018 2:05
a very interesting image ... I am trying to imagine what this unusualcontraption of an instrument would sound like - expecially combined
with the brass band ....
warm regards,