Street Photographer's Survival Tip
A street photographer's paradise is where he can eat safely, and stumble on a rare Marla Dietrich type of "I want to be alone",shot. Here you can eat safe and not worry about tomorrow. You are guaranteed a good tomorrow by having a Frapuccino and a baked croissant at Starbucks. In addition Starbucks is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will get if you walk in with your camera ready to shoot.
Heidi Roloff 19/02/2016 19:43
I only ask me, how can she eat this way ? :-))Greetings from Heidi
Tadeusz Roguski 05/11/2015 22:04
frankly 'space'Bombaretti 01/10/2015 13:22
Bellissima .. con forti contrasti ..saluti PaoloTadeusz Roguski 28/09/2015 1:00
alone.Jaap Koer 27/09/2015 12:23
Nice shot!Jaap
archiek 27/09/2015 2:26
A Denny's in the city usually is a great place at night to go and get such shots as well. This is a good image of the women at Starbucks. Here we only get yuppies.Best Regards,
Sunnysideoflife5 26/09/2015 13:13
Great pic Glenn.It is a pitty, that those wimen cover their faces, they are uncovered really beautiful.Sunny
Frederick Mann 26/09/2015 11:35
I have always walk past the Starbucks coffeehouse... maybe I should for the firsts time go in for a coffee, (with my camera
Sue Thompson 26/09/2015 8:49
A great take on Starbucks........:))
Adele D. Oliver 25/09/2015 21:40
a home away from home - a latte .... but here mostly crowded with people taking advantage of the free internet - great street ... mysterious feel !!cheers, Adele
Frau Ke 25/09/2015 18:05
... but I don't like Starbucks so much. .)Frau Ke 25/09/2015 18:05
different kinds of mummery