Sunset in Dalmatia photo et image | europe, balkans, croatia Images fotocommunity
Sunset in Dalmatia photo et image de Sanja Kukor ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
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Section | Voyage: Dalmatien |
Dossier | Croatia |
Vu de | 4 076 |
Publiée | |
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![]() |
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Objectif | --- |
Ouverture | 4.9 |
Temps de pose | 1/125 |
Focale | 49.2 mm |
ISO | 125 |
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authbreak 04/11/2014 15:57
Es sieht aus als würde der Himmel brennen,eine wundervolle Aufnahme, liebe Sanja.
LG Heinrich
Grazyna Boehm 28/08/2014 21:10
Super Lichtstimmung!Gruß, Grazyna.
Barney Schmid 16/08/2014 15:39
Klasse, tolle LichtstimmungVG Barney
Volker a.H. 29/07/2014 9:13
Colorful and beautiful,Sanja,
your sky, just like an 'inferno',
greetings Volker
WettiTom 23/07/2014 21:57
Warmes Licht, schöne Farben und harmonische Wolkenstrukturen. Eine sehr beruhigende Atmosphäre.Man könnte denken es wäre ein gemaltes Bild.
Heinrich Vianden Fotografie 23/07/2014 14:13
hi Sanja,in my opinion, a wonderful picture. Such kind of pictures I like! You have really picture full of atmosphere very well seen and photographed. In the foreground the forest (the trees) in the background and looks at the sunset in the form of clouds.
It is an attractive and well seen photo.
Greetings to Croatia
hexe adriana 23/07/2014 9:27
wonderful light and colours!lg
Adele D. Oliver 23/07/2014 3:42
a sky on fire ... fabulous last light, colours and mood !!!greetings, Adele
Vitória Castelo Santos 22/07/2014 22:38
Lovely sunset Sanja..!!