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Sunset (Mouth of river of the Douro)

Sunset (Mouth of river of the Douro)

59 985 45

António Ramos

Free Account, Maia

Sunset (Mouth of river of the Douro)


The sun tired of an intense day, is goingto rest calmly on the line of the horizon. Iexhaust in his everyday battle, it givesup place in the night, magic and obscurekingdom, where the Moon, queen, willsubstitute it magistralmente.
The sky is filled of an orange reddened, like if there a bloody battle had hadplace, the battle of day by day, in whatthe survivor, casualty, retires to returnin another day, recovered to tear thedarkness and to begin again.
I am in the mouth of river of the douro, aprivileged place, contemplating thesechanges that, of so frequent, very oftenhappen unless we notice his beauty, eatalmost everything that surrounds us.
The beauty, it is in the small and simplethings, like the drop of dew that hangsof the leaf of a flower, and that in his fallto the abyss, converts the light of thesun, in a rainbow of colors.
The today beauty, it is in this fantasticsunset, which fills to me the eyes, whichit caresses to me and comforts the soul, for knowledge that tomorrow, that sunwill be again of turn in order that thebody heats up and to illuminate thespirit.

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