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Superman a Super Seamstress

Superman a Super Seamstress

9 139 11

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Superman a Super Seamstress

At some point the wear and tear of fighting for justice takes a toll on the costume of Superman. From time to time Superman must must mend his uniform for appearance. A super needle and thread.

The thread is needed are from his deceased planet.It was sent in the space capsule his original parent placed him in before the planet.

If you are in the Superman comics and the first movie and followed how the superman costume was made. His adopted mother on earth made him a costume. So this really means when he'd fight his outfit should be torn to rags or when he made a super fast hard right or left turn his costume should balloon out like a parachute making him look like an a sumo wrestler , better a skinny guy in the sumo wrester costume. If you want more. Just imagine when you were younger and you jumped in the pool and the air bubbles formed and you lost your top, or bottom or both under water. Well there you go. How ever it would in in the sky for all to see. So we would say, " Look in to the sky, its Superman about to loose his underwear and cape, quick close your eyes".

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Dossier Superman
Vu de 9 139


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