Teatro Greco di Taormina
The Greek theatre of Taormina is one of the most famous monuments in Sicily. The Greek construction (300 BC) was remodelled and extended during the Roman era.
During the era of the Ancient Greeks the Teatro Greco in Taormina used to be one of the liveliest places. But still nowadays the Teatro Greco provides its visitors a number of spectacles and performances of high quality.
Claudia0815 10/07/2014 10:37
Il trattamento è testardo, ma piace molto.Taormina mi ha soddisfatto molto bene. Una vivace città con molte attrazioni.
LG Edeltraut
K.D.J. 04/09/2010 14:40
schön mit der gekonnten Unschärfe.LG KDJ
Stevomat 04/07/2010 14:17
nice pictureDieter Sann 04/07/2010 10:01
Wunderschön !!!!LG Dieter
Mario Lombardi 03/07/2010 18:12
bellissima elaborazione ciao Mario