The Benefits Will Payoff
It is a grand day. Women from all over Nepal that have lost a husband come to Kathmandu as devoted Hindus to commemorate.
For this woman her task is doubled. She begs for food and receives small coins. At the end of the day her metal bucket will fill to the brim. But first she must endure the smoke from the cremations, and the hot sun. Water is scarce and many women will faint, but the benefits of being there will payoff for her. After all it is a source of income where there is little for the aging.
JOKIST 08/09/2014 15:41
Sehr ausdrucksstark !LG Ingrid und Hans
mohane 08/09/2014 15:02
she kept a clear lookStefania Cecchetti 08/09/2014 11:08
Wonderful!! Well done Glenn, bravo!Greetings,Stefy
Dieter Geßler 08/09/2014 9:09
Very expressiveGreetings Dieter
Rolf Pessel 08/09/2014 8:53
I'm asking. do you give workshops - I could learn a lot from you.LG Rolf
rschaefer 08/09/2014 8:17
Impressive pic!Greetings,