the door photo et image | experimental, moovements, special Images fotocommunity
the door photo et image de DaDe Jelmini ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
Wow, this is incredible. The soft golden tones punctuated by the calligraphic light delights the eye. Those shadows and the golden glow are right out of a dream. Complex simplicity at it's finest.
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Nyo Pu 23/01/2007 18:35
Really creative abstract! It is bringing me to the non-objective movement.Regards, np
Robyn Raggio 23/01/2007 3:54
Wow, this is incredible. The soft golden tones punctuated by the calligraphic light delights the eye. Those shadows and the golden glow are right out of a dream. Complex simplicity at it's finest.