The Gate of Ades
Acheron river
Acheron river is located in the region of Hepirus, northwest Greece and it flows into the Ionian Sea. It is a river very much mentioned by the ancient greem historians as the river of "woe", of Ades the underworld where reigned in absolute powerPluto,one of Zeus brothers. Homer says that the newly dead would be ferried across the Acheron river by Haron, Ades security guard, who was also tipped for that by the dead relatives, till was safely guided to the entrance of the underworld. The Roman poet Virgil called it the river of Tartarus, another name of Ades and Dante in his" Inferno" mentions the souls also being ferried through Acheron to hell...
Yet contemporary Acheron is a very picturesque river in a very pretty countryside frquently visited for peaceful navigation and mainly for fishing.
Despite its morbid past nobady mentioned to have come across Haron yet!...
Emilio Sirletti 20/12/2016 19:01
Un bellissimo angolo di quiete.Ottima ripresa.
Ciao, Emilio
sparkling light 07/12/2016 12:26
Time to relax, time to calm down.Wonderful black and white!
Sue Thompson 05/12/2016 8:24
The ligtht on the water, the sillhouetted fisherman and his rods are superb, but for me there is way too muchsky that overpowers the whole scene. A crop to just above that line of trees wuld give this perfct balance and composition....imho :))):))
Adele D. Oliver 05/12/2016 2:30
a picturesque scene and peaceful mood ... a fine capture and presentation in blackand white and a great story !!!
I wish you a great week,
adriana lissandrini 04/12/2016 20:33
beautiful image of nature, full of poetrycaro saluto