The Haaga Rhododendron Park
The Haaga Rhododendron Park (Finnish: Haagan Alppiruusupuisto) is a public park containing various varieties of rhododendron, located in the district of Haaga in Helsinki, Finland. Although originally used for breeding and research purposes, the park is now a popular attraction among locals.
The first rhododendrons were planted in 1975 by the University of Helsinki's selective breeding program; this included the construction of a series of wooden walkways, allowing travel by visitors without disturbing the plants.[1][2] Originally 3000 individual specimens were planted, with the goal of breeding species to adapt to the Finnish climate.[1] The 3000 original specimens had been selectively bred from the Japanese Rhododendron fauriei. In 1996, the park was expanded to the north with an additional 1500 azalea specimens, also originating from Japan.[1]
Through its existence, the park has produced eight unique cultivars for commercial purposes; they're named after the park, the university, and various individuals involved with the project.[1]
The park is a popular local attraction, particularly in the early summer, when rhododendrons flower.
Helmut Lenze 09/06/2019 10:04
Herrliche Blüten- und Farbenfülle!LG.
homwico 03/06/2019 18:48
Eine herrliche Blütenpracht.LG homwico
Eberhard Kuch 03/06/2019 17:12
Schöne Aufnahme von dem Park mit den Blumen die vor dem dunklen Hintergrund sich gut abheben.Gruss Eberhard
J Oscar Sierra Echo 03/06/2019 0:05
Beautifulbachmann ingrid 02/06/2019 23:16
Das wirkt besonders schön als Panoramafoto. So sind alle Nebeneinflüsse ausgeschaltet und man sieht nur die wunderbaren Farben der Rhododendren.Gefällt mir sehr gut.
LG Mumimutti