The Itsy Bitsy Spider
on an Autumn Crocus at VanDusen Gardens
please excuse my sudden absence from FC and lack of comments .... had to unexpectedly spend 6 days in the hospital (without the Internet, of course :-)))).
HYZARA 24/10/2013 21:04
Oh - ich hoffe es geht Dir inzwischen besser liebe Adele.Herzliche Grüße
Conny11 22/10/2013 23:08
Wunderschöne Blüten...LG zu dir Conny
Dragan Milovanovic 22/10/2013 23:07
Nice combination!Like it!
Rainer Golembiewski 22/10/2013 22:09
wunderschöne Farben zeigst du uns hier !aline64 22/10/2013 21:36
De toute beauté ces fleurs des couleurs très belles et doucesamicalement
phonya 22/10/2013 21:34
had to look twice - but then: what a wonderful pic! hope you are 'well above average' again!best
Angelika El. 22/10/2013 20:52
Diese Herbstzeitlosen sind ein Traum! Und die kleine Spinne weiß, was schön ist!
Ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und mach langsam!!!
LG! a.
Emilio Sirletti 22/10/2013 19:40
The important thing now is that you are in good health!!!A Hug, Emilio
Vitória Castelo Santos 22/10/2013 19:33
Very good detailed picture !!!!Good work and i hope you are well
Andreas Wellnitz 22/10/2013 18:37
Deine Blüten gefallen mir,lg.Andreas!chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 22/10/2013 13:39
Very very beautifull ! A hug ChantalClaudio Micheli 22/10/2013 13:11
ARTURO MEDINA 22/10/2013 12:57
Fantástica photo y realizaciónUn saludo
Alfred Schultz 22/10/2013 12:36
A bite of this spider has causedyour hospital stay?
That's what can happen when you want
to take such beautiful flowers images.
Gruesse - A.
Othmar W. Mayer 22/10/2013 11:48
Congratulations to this wonderful and evocative b / w shot.Greetings from Vienna